Category: Film

Sometimes we get lucky.  Time and patience has a way of working with you as long as you are true to self.  Projects come and go, ideas, fleeting, long lasting, great, shitty, but sometimes an idea or project sticks around, usually it’s a project that had to overcome notable obstacles but perseverance kept the ideas on track.  In the case of Stand film, which was released back in spring of 2013, that idea has continued to stick around and even grow, creating would could become a legacy of that project.   more

Straws, single-use pieces of plastic that some use to sip a beverage through, that has a useful lifetime of a few minutes and takes 500 years to degrade. Straws are our new mission, we want to make straws into the next plastic bag. We want to help society get rid of its useless plastic consuming aways and start with something small. Start with straws.

With little more than a ton of ambition and a deep love of skiing, Athan Merrick and Nicolas Teichrob joined forces in 2009 to make a ski movie. But they needed a company first, and with a shared desire to create unique and stunning imagery, Dendrite Studios was formed. Playing off of the chaotic nature of dendritic patterns that surround us in the natural world, Dendrite’s initial goal was to showcase the ‘unseen’  more


Here at Dendrite Studios we believe in broadening our horizons to hone our craft. It’s a company mandate that when a project is presented to one of our personnel that will make that individual a better asset to Dendrite then by all means go for it. So here are a select few projects that Athan has worked on in the past few years outside of the dendritic rotunda.



Funny enough I’d never heard of Malibu, BC. California sure. As an avid surfer the fabled point of Malibu in the 50’s intrigued me. Today not so much. The crowds would deter the lore. Enter Malibu, BC, a place where crowds do not exist. No surfing, besides a little bit of tidal and wake surfing, but skiing. Real deal mountains of serious consequence without a soul in site. Dendrite Studios was brought into Malibu to document a remote and unexplored heli ski more


Parallels Re-Visited
We made Parallels in 7 days. From start to finish. Pre-production. Production. Post. Grade. Sound design. Deliver. It was a lesson in constraints. Mental, physical, conceptual. Contrast that against a short that has been thought about for weeks or months. Then a week of production. Then a couple weeks of post. Which makes the better film? Which is more challenging and  more